

Ekperi Veronica

Sweet and bitter Corona!
How mighty art thou!
You caused a global lockdown
Inflicted many with diseases.
Depression held many..
Churches were closed , Schools were closed , business were closed. Movement restricted for your sake.
Oh! Corona! Bitter Corona.

Pandemic you were called , Crisis you caused , Families Shattered , Records of daily Death you caused..
A Virus, indeed you are to the afflicted you inflicted with..
Oh! Bitter Corona.

Sweet Corona, You were also called .
Many acquired skills, New Job Opportunities , Many promoted , Family planning , Savings and Budget many learnt..
Sweet Corona.

Sweet Corona, Corobaby ,You were called in the market Sector.
You Made so many sellers popular.
Hand sanitizers , Face mask and so many other hidden business were made known..
Sweet Corona.

Sweet and Bitter Corona.
How Mighty art thou!

(C) Ekperi Veronica

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