
Naduh Mynta— Let Your Voice Be Heard

Daohi Manar

I'll tell the world,
I write this poetry—
Well, yeah!
Writing a poem won't change much;
Action and Unity
We can overcome gender disparity.
Jingkmen ha la ka hok, Long spah ba kordor
Kynthei-Shynrang ka ri, 'ap-sñau yei wa khut i por'
Come, sit here
'Ai keiñ ka kti, Ngan bat kumne'
Hush! I dream of an equal world,
Diverse and discrimination free.
We are human, differences it shouldn't be
He or She, They are what they like to be
Why women stand apart, outside, behind and to one side?
'Equality' is the keyword: Let your voice be heard,
Exception? It shouldn't be the case,
Decision making, Women belong in all places;
Let them speak their minds, 'ai bynta lem!'
You and I will beat gender bias,
Great wisdom, the great victory they awaits.

Give them chance, Let them write and read,
Maybe someday, They'd like to lead.

(C) Daohi Manar

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