
The Meek Teacher

Chidozie Ozoigbo

Come and learn from him whom life had taught to teach.
For to feel shall forever surpasses to see.
So long as to see shall better to hear.
Volumes of books have I not; sky-glasses have I not touched.
Stars to me are but night’s diamonds; nothing more.
Astrology is to those who are resentful with the free nature.
Philosophy is to him whom had assumed to have known.
Politics for him who was no master of himself.
Religion is to him who felt to judge others.
Mechanism to him who love easing others pain but subjecting his soul.
Have you not learnt much without knowing?
Have you not read much without understanding?
Have you not seek much without finding?
Have you not worried so much without knowing?
Have you not ask so much without answers?
Have you not look so deep without seeing?
Have you not heard so much without understanding?
Have you not touched so much without feeling?
Come my friend; it’s never in the volumes of books.
For books are but fractions of the human’s meagerness.
What tool have I to impact with but your emotions.
That orphan without food, the man without home is the beginning of knowledge.
Share with them and ascents to the next level.
It’s called kindness.
That lone dog with an open sore, that poor widow with a flu
Is the door to knowledge.
Care for them and feel the morning sun of the gods.
It’s called compassion.
That friend that miffed you, that enemy that hurt you
Is the warm carpet of knowledge.
Forgive them and let the dazzling rays of knowledge in.
It’s called forgiveness.
That grudge that you can’t let go of. That guilt that can’t be forgetting
Is the light of knowledge.
Let it go and feel the transformation of knowledge.
It’s called forgetting.
That pride that hung on your shoulders. That sense of importance
Is the clog in knowledge’s wheel.
Detach those wings and feel the essence of knowledge.
It’s called humility.
What else can I teach you but to learn each and every day,
These cardinal points of knowledge
For with such as these, the disparity between men and gods has been bridged.

(C) Chidozie Ozoigbo

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