
Give Me Now

Borklo Solomon

As I am alive, give what I desire
Time flies with unwanted desires
Now is the time,
To give me what I desire
Tomorrow may come with a pressure
So, give me now

Before I say goodbye to the world
I beg you to give me now
For I may expire before you know it
You will look for me but will not find me
So friend, give me as am still with you

My time is short so give me now
Not when I'm gone
I deserve it as am alive
Not on my death mat
Do it now as it matters
Because it may not matter tomorrow

Gift me that sweet-scented rose now
For my soul to rejoice today
Feed me today as am still with you
When I'm gone I will need it not
Bandage my wound before is late
Build me a house that will last
Not a coffin that will decay in no time

Your time to do it is now
You may not have tomorrow for yourself
Stand with me as I'm battling with life
Not when I'm done with my battle
Because it will not be needed
So give me now

Cherish me as you still have me
Praise me while am still awake
Not when I'm dead and gone
The living is rejected
But, the deceased is loved by all
Share tears as you see me suffer
Not when am resting

When I say bye bye to the world
Your tears do not matter to me
Your praises do not matter again
Your money will not bring me back
For I'm gone and gone forever
So I say give me now

(C) Borklo Solomon

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