
Death Of A Hobo

Ashade Solomon

Blame me not for what I saw
None feel guilty of it
For I knew many has gone astray
Pitiful but not humanitarian
Life of a homeless oh hobo
Long forgotten before death knocks
I saw it in broad daylight

Erroneous, lifeless and not moving
All seems careless and unconcerned
Oh living being are callous
Package it before it malodorous
Malodorous when all seem Mephistophelean
O'er cliff and not on plains
Colourfully braided to few
Meaningless to the poor ones

Twice I saw it in broad daylight
Twice as tall so the song goes
No one bothers to cross and check
It's a game for all no exceptions
Life of a homeless always meaningless
Sun and the nature bears more pains
A meaningful existence is only for those with riches

(C) Ashade Solomon

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