
Black Girl

Alormasor Bless

She is an adorable creation
Born out of the ribs of her Adam
Melanin drips out of her body incessantly
And when her dark skin catches the sun,
The earth and the other planets gaze in awe!

She is a black girl
She is the goddess of the earth
Immortals and mortals alike stoop at her presence
Like a Christmas meal for the stomach,
She is a feast for the eyes
Men fix their gazes on her without a blink

She is a black girl
Her figure stupefies even the most satisfied of men
Every cleavage rests in the right spot
She's utter perfection, free of blemish!

She is a black girl
When she walks as though she's scurrying away,
Every flesh on her skin gyrates in unison,
At her sight, the most contented man salivates!
Oh she is a black girl!

(C) Alormasor Bless

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