
The Chestnut Glade

Alan S Jeeves

The chestnut tree within the glade,
One half-a-mile past Windy Lea,
There in the cool, refreshing shade.

A friend, indeed, in her I made,
She stood upright, aloft was she ~
The chestnut tree within the glade.

Out in the breeze she gently swayed,
To-ing, fro-ing, so wildly free
There in the cool, refreshing shade.

Her spreading, leafy, boughs cascade,
She, open limbed to welcome me;
The chestnut tree within the glade.

Round and about, where squirrels played
And romped a happy, joyful spree
There in the cool, refreshing shade.

Yet youthful brightness starts to fade,
My eyes grow old, I barely see
The chestnut tree within the glade
There in the cool, refreshing shade.

(C) Alan S Jeeves

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