
My Adventure

Adisa O'damilare

Dark as charcoal has been one of the trending qualities
For recognizing me,
All I know is to cry in the tending arm that loves me.
Have I been weaned?
Can I stand on my own?
Can I represent you well?
Can I represent my race well?
I began my journey without
Having a clue of what lies ahead.
Life becomes an unsolved mystery.
Home! As people call it;
I never dreamt of one,
Under the bridge becomes a place of abode for me;
Today, I’m the owner,
Tomorrow I’m a squatter accommodating squatters
Fate knows when the edge of the coin will be turned to bring me favor
I concluded that being in a relationship is the only option left
Kudos! Real relationship or tending bond?
Is this my race?
I learnt to lay a bed in order to lie on it
But, which bed do I want to lie on?
Is it the bed that has become an end to meet?
Is it the bed that has become season La Liga?
Is it the bed that serves as an exchange for lucre?
Can you offer me a new bed?
This is not where I belong
This is not my true color
Continuous drop of water can fill a bucket
But, how long?
Do I need a Google map to locate where I belong?
I need someone to put a smile on my face
This is not where I emanate.
My root is deep;
Oh! Very deep;
I’m a Nigerian;
I’m an African.
I can’t change my race
But I can be transformed into a new being.
But, How?

(C) Adisa O'damilare

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