Who is Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy (2 June 1840 – 11 January 1928) was an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist in the tradition of George Eliot, he was influenced both in his novels and in his poetry by Romanticism, including the poetry of William Wordsworth. He was highly critical of much in Victorian society, especially on the declining status of rural people in Britain, such as those from his native South West England.

While Hardy wrote poetry throughout his life and regarded himself primarily as a poet, his first collection was not published until 1898. Initially, he gained fame as the author of novels such as Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1891), and Jude the Obscure (1895). During his lifetime, Hardy's poetry was acclai...
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Thomas Hardy Poems

  • Meubles Anciens
    Je ne sais pas comment ça peut être avec les autres
    Qui s'assoient au milieu des reliques de la maison
    Cette date du temps des mères de leurs mères,
    Mais bon je sais comment c'est avec moi ...
  • Alte Möbel
    Ich weiß nicht, wie es mit anderen sein kann
    Die inmitten von Relikten der Haushaltsführung sitzen
    Dieses Datum stammt aus den Tagen der Mütter ihrer Mütter,
    Aber gut, ich weiß, wie es bei mir ist ...
  • Muebles Viejos
    No sé cómo puede ser con los demás.
    Que se sientan en medio de reliquias de la casa
    Esa fecha de los días de las madres de sus madres,
    Pero bueno se como es conmigo ...
  • Tolérance
    «C'est une chose insensée, dis-je,
    «Pour supporter tel, et le passer;
    Pourtant je le fais, je ne sais pas pourquoi!
  • Toleranz
    "Es ist eine dumme Sache", sagte ich, "
    'Mit solchen zu ertragen, und es vorbei zu gehen;
    Aber so weiß ich nicht warum! '
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Top 10 most used topics by Thomas Hardy

Long 187 Time 174 Thought 145 Life 144 Night 123 Face 119 Never 109 I Love You 107 Love 107 Place 96

Thomas Hardy Quotes

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Comments about Thomas Hardy

Missdanyp: on page 328 of 525 of tess dei d'urberville, by thomas hardy
Welfordwrites: the absolute explains, a poem by thomas hardy. the poet gains comfort from his interpretation of einstein’s theory of relativity.
Psabataan: "the perfect women you see is working women; not an idler; not a fine lady; but one who uses her hands and her head and her heart for the good of others." -thomas hardy we celebrate the strength and success of our women and recognize the contribution of our working women!
Bconner95166969: do you like books/stories with dark themes and suspenseful atmospheres? if so, then i recommend death in venice by thomas hardy. the book is full of mystery and suspense, and it will leave you feeling drained after reading it.
Owc_oxford: beef up your bookshelf with oxford world’s classics! from thomas hardy to jean-jacques rousseau, there’s a book for everyone. find our full range here:
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Poem of the day

Ella Wheeler Wilcox Poem
Answered Prayers
 by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I prayed for riches, and achieved success;
All that I touched turned into gold. Alas!
My cares were greater and my peace was less,
When that wish came to pass.

I prayed for glory, and I heard my name
Sung by sweet children and by hoary men.
But ah! the hurts - the hurts that come with fame.

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