I face my battles
I earned my scars
In hardship’s grip, I’ve found my strength,
Through trials faced, I’ve journeyed far.
With courage worn and lessons learned,
I stand, resilient, beneath the stars.
I am fighting and I will keep fighting
Against the tides that seek to break,
In every struggle, my resolve ignites.
I’ll press ahead, no fear, no hiding,
For in this fight, my spirit alights.
Pain fuels me to keep moving
Each ache and throb, a whispered call,
Pushing me past where comfort stalls.
The fire within, though tears may fall,
Ignites my will to conquer all.
The closer I near, the weight does grow,
Yet strength is found in valleys low.
Though fatigue sets in, my will aglow,
I’ll rise anew, a stronger soul.
As the journey wanes, the path unfolds,
Whispers of closure, stories untold.
Yet in this finale, a new chapter sends
A bittersweet farewell, as a new adventure begins.
In this next act, a fresh embrace,
Old wisdom guides, a steady pace.
New chapters bloom, the story’s arc,
The elder’s wisdom, the young’s spark.
I am excited to open a new chapter
With the mindset of my older character.