Surya Prakash Sharma Quotes

Never blame your luck, God , nature or time for your bad situation , only you are responsible for your best or worst .

Life is not simple . Your way will full of problems but if there will a good companion with you . Your problems will be divided between two persons . Two good companion may laugh with each other , may weep with each other and may fight to the problem with together .

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Anuj rana: Excellent
A.Dhanush reddy: HIS BIOGRAPHY
anupam: vry nice thought

Poem of the day

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Poem
Why Do I Love?
 by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Why do I love?
Is it for men to choose
The hour of the hushed night when crowned with dews
From its sea grave the morning star shall wake?
Lo, while we drowsed, it rose on our heart's ache,
And all our heaven was red with the day's hues,
And glad birds chaunted from the trees above.
So was it with my heart that might not choose

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