S. K. Kelen Never Poems

  • 1.
    Bugsa Bunny you're the sanest man
    in all Italia last hope for risorgimento
    singing Santa Lucia in the barber shop
    glorious ears twitching your gondola
  • 2.

    Over the road from the three star Galaxy Hotel is our hotel,
    the old park on Phan Dinh Phung Street,
  • 3.
    Apart from its voracious appetite for mammalian blood
    little is known of the leech's ways. Does it know love or
    family life? is there communication?
    Leaf litter's monster weapon, what can you say
  • 4.
    The spider was there when we moved in
    basking on a sunlit bit of wall
    waving its front legs in greeting.
    Dad said it was “a cheeky bastard”
  • 5.
    Out back of the cafe a square iron cage
    made hard corners for a honey bear
    the boys saved from a bulldozer.
    Crouched like a dog, the cage
Total 5 Never Poems by S. K. Kelen

Top 10 most used topics by S. K. Kelen

I Love You 8 Love 8 Life 8 Light 7 Night 6 Time 6 Car 5 Never 5 Tree 5 Place 5

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Bruno: this is not a phot of S.K. Kelen
Steve K: This is NOT a photo of S. K. Kelen.
Van Jonson: Only one of these books is by S. K. Kelen.
Bryan z: SKK’s poems rule!
Yvonne Meltingheart: Wonderful poems.

Poem of the day

Ella Wheeler Wilcox Poem
Answered Prayers
 by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I prayed for riches, and achieved success;
All that I touched turned into gold. Alas!
My cares were greater and my peace was less,
When that wish came to pass.

I prayed for glory, and I heard my name
Sung by sweet children and by hoary men.
But ah! the hurts - the hurts that come with fame.

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