Comments about Rupert Brooke

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leannonvzcu: Forever England: The Life of Rupert Brooke N85WDPW

war_poets: 28 March 1915 Rupert Brooke and his battalion reach Port Said and disembark.

ATGWSuccess: 35 Inspirational Rupert Brooke Quotes On Success

LucyLondon7: In Michael Hastings' book “Rupert Brooke” Patrick Shaw-Steward “third from right, second row” There’s more than one inaccuracy in the book Can anyone help please? From Rupert Brooke Remembered Fb.

CritReadings: CR Episode 168: The Poetry of Rupert Brooke

philster2: Rupert Brooke

TheLastRefuge2: Fox News VP Director of Political Content, Bill Sammon, is pictured during the session. Rupert Murdoch told them to take out Trump, support Rubio. Sammon's daughter, Brooke, was then made head of Rubio Campaign comms with $$ for the efforts.

mischievovstar: Dorlily The great lover by Rupert Brooke "I have been so great a lover: filled my days so proudly with the splendour of Love's praise, the pain, the calm, and the astonishment, desire illimitable, and still content,"

islwyn_izzy: Stands the Church clock at ten to three? And is there honey still for tea? Rupert Brooke 'The Old Vicarage, Grantchester'

s_birrell: “The great wings were spread Showering glory on the fields, and fire. The whole air, singing, bore him up, and higher, Unswerving, unreluctant. Soon he shone A gold speck in the gold skies; then was gone.” Mary and Gabriel by Rupert Brooke

war_poets: 20 March 1915 Rupert Brooke ‘A day or two ago we and certain others steamed off overnight to near an important spot on an enemy coast, and ‘stood by’ at dawn for landing. I felt very nervous, and rather irritated at getting up so early, and most excited. But nothing happened'

autiquariantemp: Might give in to the ‘autism is a super power’ crowd after helping my friend dodge a private schooler on hinge because I recognised his school from its handful of mentions in a Rupert Brooke biography

ismatiz94719331: Stands the Church clock at ten to three?And is there honey still for tea?,Rupert Brooke, The Old Vicarage, Grantchester,comfort, friends, honey, tea, teatime,

HughMauberley: “They sleep within… I cower to the earth, I waking, I only.” —Rupert Brooke

HughMauberley: Swiftly out from the friendly lilt of the band.. I am drawn nightward; I must turn again Where, down beyond the low untrodden strand, There curves and glimmers outward to the unknown The old unquiet ocean… I stray alone Here on the edge of silence, half afraid. —Rupert Brooke

war_poets: 17 March 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to Dudley Ward ‘I want you... to go through my letters... and destroy all those from (a) Elizabeth van Rysselberghe ...(b) Lady Eileen Wellesley...If other people...agitate to have letters destroyed, why, you’re the person to do it.'

ArmandoDiazR_: 《The English poet Rupert Brooke, who, in a letter to a depressed friend, suggested that it might be helpful to "simply look at people and things as themselves, neither as useful, nor moral, nor ugly, nor anything else; but as being."》 4/

GilesMacDonogh: Raverat S.W.E., Gwen (1885 - 1957) 'Portrait of Rupert Brooke 2' (SN91). Wood-engraving. 1919. Proof. Illustrated: 'The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke',1919 (Cover). Provenance: an album of Gwen Raverat's prints, compiled by the artist and by descent. 6x4 inches.

Johnrashton47: The Soldier by Rupert Brooke - Poems | Academy of American Poets

HughMauberley: Rupert Brooke

artmeetstony: 2/3 Virginia Woolf dipped skin right here With Rupert Brooke, in waters clear Their bodies cold, pure wildness gone Just ripples left in river’s song

rk70534: PILVET Rupert Brooke(1887-1915) (Clouds, 1913.)

MuchSports4689: Canada is a live country - live but not like the States kicking.,Rupert Brooke,canada, canadians,

BigudinamADDY14: I know what things are good: friendship and work and conversation.,Rupert Brooke,friendship,

eric_fennessey: And is there football coverage still for tea? Rupert Brooke

SarahFPoetry: no one told me until now that Rupert Brooke was really hot? apparently that was (besides war sonnets) his whole 'thing'

war_poets: 12 March 1915 Rupert Brooke writes ‘we’re out of sight and hearing of war, in a lovely harbour on a blue sea, with lovely hills around and white peaks in the distance; and about us are lovely warships... resting between spells of blowing Turks out of this world into Eternity.’

Cubacken3141: Stands the Church clock at ten to three?And is there honey still for tea?,Rupert Brooke, The Old Vicarage, Grantchester,comfort, friends, honey, tea, teatime,

war_poets: 11 March 1915 Rupert Brooke, Patrick Shaw-Stewart and the Hood Battalion arrive in Lemnos.

KennaDoll17: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

haruyo_h: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

DrPopCultureBG: March 11, 1914: Rupert Brooke's poems "The Dead" and "The Soldier" are published in The Times Literary Supplement. "The Soldier" opens with the famous lines "If I should die, think only this of me: that there's some corner of a foreign field that is for ever England."

war_poets: 10 March 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to Katharine Cox ‘I suppose you’re about the best I can do in the way of a widow. I’m telling the Ranee [his mother] that after she’s dead, you’re to have my papers. They may want to write a biography!'

lawrenti4n: The Lacket in Lockeridge is 5 mins from where I used to live in Wiltshire. In 1910, EM Forster stayed here as a guest. Rupert Brooke was another guest. And Lytton Strachey wrote two chapters of Eminent Victorians whilst living here from 1913. I wonder if the current owners know?

BitchesatDR: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

Unwise_Trousers: Rupert Brooke, killed by an infected mosquito bite.

war_poets: 9 March 1915 Rupert Brooke to Edward Marsh ‘I suppose I must imagine my non-existence, & make a few arrangements. You are to be my literary executor. But I’d like mother to have my MSS till she dies...then you – save one or two you might let Alfred & Katharine Cox have'

war_poets: 8 March 1915 Rupert Brooke writes ‘All day we’ve been just out of sight of land, thirty or forty miles away–out of sight, but in smell. There was something earthly in the air, and warm–like the consciousness of a presence in the dark–the wind had something Andalusian in it.’

war_poets: 8 March 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to Jacques Raverat ‘We’ve been gliding through a sapphire sea, swept by ghosts of triremes and quinqueremes, Hannibal on poop, or Hanno. Oh and we came down by Spain, and saw Algiers, and thought of the tribes of dancing girls'

Irgisahputra27: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

bennyjohnson: Chuck Schumer: “Rupert Murdoch has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson from going on tonight” & continuing to report the truth about J6 A Senator is trying to stop a journalist from exercising his first amendment right because “Democracy”

war_poets: 6 March 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to Edward Marsh ‘War seems infinitely remote: & even the reason, foreseeing Gallipoli, yet admits that there are many blue days to come, & the Cyclades.’

Match12Matsh: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

Troy_Moxley: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

salientlines: "Menelaus and Helen" by Rupert Brooke

JPHaukkavaara: Poem by Rupert Brooke. The Great Lover I discovered this poem As I discovered Mahlers 5th symphony When I was 14yrs old I asked my parents. Mahlers 5th, it's a love song to someone? They replied with astonishment, yes

thejackhopkins: Chris Wray, the Director of the FBI, granting an interview to Fox News, after Rupert Murdoch just admitted under oath that his biggest show hosts were knowingly lying to the public about the 2020 election being stolen, seems like something an ethical and morally responsible…

laralogan: These’s nothing kore terrifying to those pushing a false narrative than those willing to speak the truth. Order Tucker Carlson to Stop Spreading the Big Lie" - Dem Senator Chuck Schumer Demands Rupert Murdoch Silence Fox News Hosts | The Gateway Pundit

OfficialTHINT: Days after West wrote her article in August 1946, David Maxwell Fyfe gave his Closing speech at Nuremberg. In conclusion he turned to the peace that could replace the Nazi spirit - universal qualities 'tolerance, decency, kindliness' quoting Rupert Brooke's The Soldier

theworldofmomus: The Soldier by Rupert Brooke | Poem | The World of Momus Podcast

war_poets: 28 February 1915 Rupert Brooke, Patrick Shaw-Stewart and the Hood Battalion sail from Avonmouth on the Grantully Castle. Shaw-Stewart writes ‘I don’t think this is going to be at all a dangerous campaign.’

war_poets: 27 February 1915 Rupert Brooke receives a package from Eddie Brooke an amulet ‘from a very beautiful lady who wants you to come back safe–her name is not to be divulged. I have promised that you shall wear it–and I beseech you to make my word good. '

AcademicRugby: Hydra this week: Dr Smith on 'Monsters and Mayhem: Fearing the Other in History', in Rupert Brooke, at the later witching hour of 20:45-21:15...

war_poets: 25 February 1915 The King reviews the outward-bound Royal Naval Division, which includes Rupert Brooke and Patrick Shaw-Stewart, at Blandford. Violet Asquith writes ‘Rupert looked heroic… they all looked quite splendid sweeping past in battalion formation'

autiquarian: I clown on him for his personal beliefs and whatever he was up to in his youth but unironically Rupert Brooke’s early non-war poetry is some of my favourite stuff, I always want to slam my face into a door (positively) post reading ‘Song’

daniellloyd1: He's the youngest known person to attempt this ride. If you'd like to contribute, here's a link:

daniellloyd1: On yesterday's GCN Show, we talked about Rupert Brooke. He suddenly and unexpectedly lost his Dad at the age of 4. Now 7, he is riding the 200 miles from London to Paris to raise money for the Children's Bereavement Centre, which has supported him and his mum Jess ever since.

worthwhilebooks: Woolf lost many friends in WWI - childhood pal Rupert Brooke, brother in law Cecil Woolf and many others comprising “animae dimidium meae,” - “Half my soul” or “Half my life.”

ATGWSuccess: 35 Inspirational Rupert Brooke Quotes On Success

Jonessuzy: The Angel & the Poet: Edith Cavell & Rupert Brooke

war_poets: 22 February 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to his mother ‘What follows is a dead secret (as is our day of starting). We are going to be part of a landing force to help the fleet break through the Hellespont and the Bosphorus and take Constantinople, and open up the Black Sea'

RalphGailTeamTP: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. -Rupert Brooke RALPHGAIL PinaBRGY

war_poets: 21 February 1915 Rupert Brooke writes ‘It’s too wonderful. We’re going in four days. And the best expedition of the war. Figure me celebrating the first Holy Mass in St Sophia since 1453. (But this is to your censorial ear.) Reviewed by the King on Wednesday. Off on Thursday'

welfordwrites: Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night. Rupert Brooke

xygort: So, there’s a poem by the English Poet, Rupert Brooke, called The Hill. I think it’s about friendship. Of course, it may be about something entirely different - I mean, considering it’s always so hard to tell with poems - but for me, it is about the friendship between two lovers.

JohnEWilk: From The Great Lover by Rupert Brooke. In A Poem for Every Day edited by Alie Esiri.

arbuthnotting: A memoir of Rupert Brooke described him leaving Rugby in a blaze of glory. The poet's mother, a lady of strong character, changed 'blaze of glory' to 'July'. Understatement beats melodrama.

war_poets: 18 February 1915 Rupert Brooke writes ‘This is the letter of a sub-lieutenant—as dull as ditchwater. I wish I had even my civilian bright little interest in anything. I’m a machine, a clod, a platoon officer, a Jim Barnes, a title, an omicron, a jelly, a dry anatomy'

IamRealBT: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. — By Rupert Brooke 3Y OF HISTORIC WINNER SID

punishedhoover: Rupert Brooke wrote this poem about the First World War, capturing the sentiments of many of his generation who found the war exciting

ATGWSuccess: 35 Inspirational Rupert Brooke Quotes On Success

war_poets: 14 February 1915 Rupert Brooke dines with Eddie Marsh and Winston Churchill ‘Eddie had to go off after dinner to work, so I spent an amusing evening with Winston, who was too tired for work after preparing his speech (a good speech). He was rather sad about Russia'

Valepro6: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

jacqui06563765: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

Bickz12: Rupert Johnny Elsie Brooke Brook Johnny

Chonene4: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

Maisieth59: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. Rupert Brooke

kdlexstans2222: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. -Rupert Brooke WALANG ARAY ON IWANTASAP

kTHADHmVlOIGbKi: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

sugandini3: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

war_poets: 29 January 1915 Rupert Brooke continues his letter to Violet Asquith ‘Trailing back from a night attack two days ago I made two verses of a rather good non-military poem on an empty room. That’s fun.'

Heidi_Cuda: bury me in the future, when the inelegance of these times, a bitter memory fades. (“the activist”, a poem by me, inspired by “the soldier” by rupert brooke)

DanielYoelReye1: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

emmanuelmaingu7: Armstrong Brooke Dominic Jeremiah Rupert Bryce Albert Sassoon

ItsMdTouhid: The cool kindliness of sheets, that soon smooth away trouble and the rough male kiss of blankets. -Rupert Brooke MD Touhid JANAMDIN MUBARAK MUNAWAR VIJAYI BHAVA SHIV THAKARE

KDFCPlaylist: Elegy, In Memoriam Rupert Brooke by Frederick Kelly / St. George Quintet / Pavane 7584

BlackSparrow000: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. — By Rupert Brooke ROHAN JANAMDIN MUBARAK MUNAWAR

_ayyumii: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. -Rupert Brooke RALPHGAIL FOR PASILYO MV

ATGWSuccess: 35 Inspirational Rupert Brooke Quotes On Success

DarlinSlimeball: Nor ever rest, nor ever lie,     Till, beyond thinking, out of view, One mote of all the dust that's I     Shall meet one atom that was you. -Rupert Brooke, “Dust”

war_poets: 26 January 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to Eddie Marsh ‘I rather agree it’d be nicer to go out with a clash in April or May, than to slink out to the mud now. Though I do share the impatience. The only doing is, the longer we stay, the more our officers seem to fade away'

BlackSparrow000: A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years. — By Rupert Brooke 15 YEARS OF SID IN ITV

EllieintheWorld: Tolkien's wife had children from 28-39. Rupert Brooke's mother was 31 when she married (39 when she had him), and Shackleton's wife married at 36. Probably exceptions for the era, but these are a few examples of Victorian-born women who were a little older when having children.

war_poets: 25 January 1915 Rupert Brooke writes to Violet Asquith ‘The only chance of possessing the last muddy drilled-upon comer of one’s soul, and entertaining the remotest thin ghost of an idea, is to withdraw to one’s cabin, roll up in the brown sleeping-bag'

fcampbellhowes: "Ringed with blue lines and feathery, fairy dust." My mum used to find this line hilarious. "Feathery, fairy dust," she'd snort. "Obviously Rupert Brooke never did any dusting in his life."

mickhumph: The Tories will poison our bees because they will kill us to please the Tory-boys, who play with toys that won't give them honey for teas. Apologies to Rupert Brooke.

ATGWSuccess: 35 Inspirational Rupert Brooke Quotes On Success

AdelaPank100: I found the loveliest 1936 edition of the collected poems of Rupert Brooke today. Hand cut pages and tissue pages over the portraits. It’s the 22nd impression, so a best seller for the time. He was a young, but delightful poet, with so much promise.

war_poets: 19 January 1915 Rupert Brooke writes 'My present difficulty is: should one marry without being particularly in love, before going to the front? How divine to have even a few hours of what the rest of life is a grey pre-existence to—marriage: with, oh! anybody'

war_poets: 18 January 1915 Rupert Brooke writes 'The days go by. I plough through mud: march: drill: eat and sleep: and do not question more. There was some affair at Antwerp, I remember. I

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Poem of the day

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Poem
Why Do I Love?
 by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Why do I love?
Is it for men to choose
The hour of the hushed night when crowned with dews
From its sea grave the morning star shall wake?
Lo, while we drowsed, it rose on our heart's ache,
And all our heaven was red with the day's hues,
And glad birds chaunted from the trees above.
So was it with my heart that might not choose

Read complete poem

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