Maya Angelou Fear Poems

  • 1.
    We, unaccustomed to courage
    exiles from delight
    live coiled in shells of loneliness
    until love leaves its high holy temple
  • 2.
    When I was young, I used to
    Watch behind the curtains
    As men walked up and down the street. Wino men, old men.
    Young men sharp as mustard.
  • 3.
    A Rock, A River, A Tree
    Hosts to species long since departed,
    Mark the mastodon.
    The dinosaur, who left dry tokens
  • 4.
    We, this people, on a small and lonely planet
    Traveling through casual space
    Past aloof stars, across the way of indifferent suns
    To a destination where all signs tell us
  • 5.
    There is no warning rattle at the door
    nor heavy feet to stomp the foyer boards.
    Safe in the dark prison, I know that
    light slides over
  • 6.
    Petulant priests, greedy
    centurions, and one million
    incensed gestures stand
    between your love and me.
  • 7.
    When great trees fall,
    rocks on distant hills shudder,
    lions hunker down
    in tall grasses,
  • 8.
    Tremors of your network
    cause kings to disappear.
    Your open mouth in anger
    makes nations bow in fear.
  • 9.
    A Rock, A River, A Tree
    Hosts to species long since departed,
    Mark the mastodon.
    The dinosaur, who left dry tokens
Total 9 Fear Poems by Maya Angelou

Top 10 most used topics by Maya Angelou

Love 14 Children 14 World 14 I Love You 14 Time 11 Life 10 Live 9 Fear 9 Long 9 Wind 8

Write your comment about Maya Angelou

Levi Putnam: She is a very inspiring person to me she makes beautiful poems talking about things most people wont. She talks about her childhood, she writes in two different perspectives, herself as a child, and herself as an adult.
Oloya Bryan : She is a legendary poet and one of the finest the world have ever had.
Ntebaleng: She is a great poet. She writes from the heart and shares her own stories with the world. Such an incredible writer
BW Cooray: A great poet .
Richard C Martin: Words and thoughts that I think are beautiful, and wish they were mine.
arriyonna: she has a gifth
Peter Rham Milimo: Very wise and educative
MA Zakari Brainbox: A Gifted Poet.
Wegolonyo Wod Ker: Wow. . .infinity, in her gown yet the world must hold. Maya what a mighty pen from thy heart shall blood forever more. High regards!
Zeb Nicklin: Birds have wings suppressed so sings
depressed and leans on Bill Withers & Sam Cooke ilk
that A change gonna come before too long
same old song rhythm & blues diff day same issues
Let it be open the door aint no words of wisdom
you lining u the prisons
Listen to Bob & see Stevie innervisions!

Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
I'M Ceded-i'Ve Stopped Being Theirs
 by Emily Dickinson


I'm ceded-I've stopped being Theirs-
The name They dropped upon my face
With water, in the country church
Is finished using, now,
And They can put it with my Dolls,
My childhood, and the string of spools,

Read complete poem

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