Masaoka Shiki Tree Poems

  • 1.
    spring breeze
    show off the castle
    above the pine tree

  • 2.
    Winter moonlight;
    The shadow of the stone pagoda,
    The shadow of the pine-tree.

  • 3.
    moon at twilight,
    a cluster of petals falling
    from the cherry tree

  • 4.
    Having felled
    A pasania tree,-
    the sky of autumn.

  • 5.
    ki o tsumite
    yo no akeyasuki
    komado kana

  • 6.
    the tree cut,
    dawn breaks early
    at my little window

  • 7.
    The cannon rolls its rumble.
    Leaf buds of a tree.

  • 8.
    spring breeze
    show off the castle
    above the pine tree

  • 9.
    at the root
    of a pine tree
    light lavender violet

Total 9 Tree Poems by Masaoka Shiki

Top 10 most used topics by Masaoka Shiki

Spring 16 Autumn 14 Moon 14 Haiku 14 Rain 12 Water 11 Night 10 Winter 10 Tree 9 Wind 7

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