Mark Burrell Never Poems

  • 1.
    Never forget it only comes once as in the beginning.
    Accept it, cherish it, love, care and give glory for it.
    Let it be shone positively in every quantum.
    Be mentors, role modules for the next to follow.
  • 2.
    Sometimes we are faced with lives hurdles, it towers so high we never ever take a stride.

    Humbled by the challenges, our goals we compromise.

  • 3.
    Sometimes we are faced with lives hurdles, it towers so high we never ever take a stride.

    Humbled by the challenges, our goals we compromise.

  • 4.
    It seems like corruption is our definition.
    As one gone here comes a next one.

    Guns big, tall and long yet wi never mek one, not to mention the cost, so ironic them own by the poorest man.
  • 5.
    Last night l cried!

    Again I have lied not once, not twice, but more than the eyes on the dice.
    Has I sit back and analyzed why do I lied.
Total 5 Never Poems by Mark Burrell

Top 10 most used topics by Mark Burrell

I Love You 7 Love 7 Never 5 High 5 Heart 4 Hear 4 Comfort 4 Mind 4 Life 4 Sky 3

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Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Poem
Why Do I Love?
 by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Why do I love?
Is it for men to choose
The hour of the hushed night when crowned with dews
From its sea grave the morning star shall wake?
Lo, while we drowsed, it rose on our heart's ache,
And all our heaven was red with the day's hues,
And glad birds chaunted from the trees above.
So was it with my heart that might not choose

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