Ibthlhal Abdul Smile Poems

  • 1.
    I still remember the day I saw you
    What you wore how you looked
    And I did some stupid things I can't lie
    Maybe because I was still but a child
  • 2.
    What is self love what is that feeling?
    She said as she kept looking in the mirror
    She kept wondering if she will know?
    What was she searching for in the mirror
  • 3.
    The funny humanity of today breaks hearts
    All we want is to be seen in the internet
    All she wants is to wear an expensive ring
    My heart is pure yet she forgets that
Total 3 Smile Poems by Ibthlhal Abdul

Top 10 most used topics by Ibthlhal Abdul

Love 8 I Love You 8 Life 7 Heart 4 Time 4 Beautiful 4 Humanity 4 Feel 3 Child 3 Smile 3

Write your comment about Ibthlhal Abdul

Kelvin: Simple and melodious to the mind.
George: That is great even you have remind me about my living when I was in primary level. I thank you so much

Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Spleen III
 by Charles Baudelaire

Je suis comme le roi d'un pays pluvieux,
Riche, mais impuissant, jeune et pourtant très-vieux,
Qui, de ses précepteurs méprisant les courbettes,
S'ennuie avec ses chiens comme avec d'autres bêtes.
Rien ne peut l'égayer, ni gibier, ni faucon,
Ni son peuple mourant en face du balcon.
Du bouffon favori la grotesque ballade
Ne distrait plus le front de ce cruel malade;

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