Comments about Frank O\'hara

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sukhi4all: This poem will always stay close to my heart. Thank you. And Happy Birthday Frank O' Hara

Artforum: “The demands of poetry and painting, of expressivity and formalism, collided in his work and would come to no easy resolution,” wrote Barrett Watten of Frank O’Hara in Artforum’s March 2008 issue.

RobertAllenPoet: great poem and it's even better when he reads it Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

peelijay: Frank O Hara to Lawrence, publisher of Lunch Poems!

J3mm4_vzq: "and the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paint you suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did them I look at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world" ~frank o' hara, to vincent warren

onlydumbjuice: another lunch poem by frank o’ hara

crumpulawn: A dude who tells u he reads Bukowski vs a dude who tells u he reads Frank o hara

lentemently: frank o’ hara’s “light clarity avocado salad” poem is one of my favourites because of the constant reminder to never lose focus on the material - light & clarity are grand concepts but are merely adjacent to the things that we can see, touch, and feel

rim_morrison: Frank O Hara was one of the OG gay guys with ADHD who just be sayin shit …

Sakthi38311: "it is hard to believe when I’m with you that there can be anything as still as solemn as unpleasantly definitive as statuary ...I look at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world" - Frank O Hara, Having a coke with you

niviexposed: when frank o hara said we could manage cocktails out of ice and water and joni mitchell said we'll laugh and toast to nothing and smash our empty glasses down

valemarilli: Frank O’ Hara obsessed

cytwomboy: i love to make tweets that are relevant to like 3 followers… Frank o hara of tweeting if u will

abdul_black42: going on another frank o hara poetry binge

rim_morrison: Frank o Hara and…..woops

nish__t: 'At night on the dock the buses glow like clouds and I am lonely thinking of flutes' — Frank O'Hara

arielzetina: omg this is high art, giving NY 1970s Frank O Hara gay poetry

ezkl7_3: Frank O Hara is a good example

FerialPoetry: New poem. Inspired by Frank o Hara.

KowalskyNexus: hands of others, their and my impossibilities. / Is this love, now that the first love / has finally died, where there were no impossibilities? Frank O' Hara

kytalli: Just saw a lit critic say that Frank o Hara stinks I need a break from twitter actually

rim_morrison: Did frank o Hara do poppers? Probably right?

SimonHayhoe: It feels like a Frank O'Hara day: Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

JodiCull: One of my favorite poems…Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

l1ttlegr33n: there’s a frank o hara line i cant quite remember exactly but it’s something like “all poets want to be painters and all painters want to be poets”

J3mm4_vzq: “Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern.” ~Mayakovsky, Frank O’ Hara

ijustsartred666: Tfw you are excited about reaching peak tenderfag status bc you are getting a Frank O' Hara tattoo this week

gracecamille_: A Book of Common Prayer, Joan Didion For Grace after a Party, Frank O Hara

paulsemel: Finished reading Frank O'Hara's "Lunch Poems"

paulsemel: Started reading Frank O'Hara's "Lunch Poems"

dildo141776: I took a big shit it was blissful - Frank o hara

gilinecas: Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. Frank o hara

trashhandler: Engaging auteur/autotheoretical work on M*dl*b (the Frank O' Hara of Rap?) which echoes Lytle Shaw's study of Frank O' Hara's coterie...just as the Nuclear Family™ is said to function as engine for consumer capitalism so 'The Entourage' becomes a limit to collective artistry...

niviexposed: girls (me) will be like idc then go on poetry foundation dot com and read frank o hara then go journal for forty five minutes and then listen to folklore four times and also rewatch glee season three episode twenty one nationals one more time

YN_Nope: For Grace, After A Party by Frank O Hara is such a quaint and joyful work.

deliwurld: This sounds like fiona Apple or smth are we sure this is Frank o Hara bot

mishkabernstein: I wouldn't want to be faster or greener than now if you were with me O you were the best of all my days [Frank O´Hara, 1950]

CelestialTayy: frank o hara's dick professor giving me headache rn....

peelijay: I am the least difficult of men. All I want is boundless love. -Frank O Hara

FerialPoetry: So of course I'm reading Frank o' Hara with my coffee - for inspiration.

niviexposed: reading so much frank o hara and feeling many things

SERGIEVSKIES: Please forgive for reacting to frank o hara poetry with a spongebob gif . But only this gif can express my emotions for "i am the least difficult of men. all i want is boundless love."

SERGIEVSKIES: I havent read frank o hara yet ..... i will remedy this today

FerialPoetry: If you know me you know I love Frank o' Hara

garriadna: Frank O' Hara my beloved

140297z: having a coke with you by frank o’ hara… we wept

princesstehangi: thank u frank o hara lol

lola_kramer: Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

kittywitha_k: In this house every season is Frank O’ Hara season but he really does something special with Fall.

juan_dando: Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

OmairBhat: meditations in an emergency, frank O hara

raniyahosain1: frank o hara you will literally always be famous…..

fleshelegy: cannot believe this is an actual line from an actual frank o hara poem

royamrii: times like these you must keep reciting that one Frank o’ hara // you like so much over and over while you sketch some plans over and over as well

newmetaphy_sic: lonely in the way you feel uplifted by Frank O' Hara

rfdzw: ~by Frank O' Hara

ECroydon: Frank O Hara .. Beat Poet. (Snaps)

a__kosev: If you ask me the best Frank O Hara poem to mention food isn’t actually Having a Coke with You at all but I’m into gatekeeping now so I won’t tell

litcharts: New guide! Having a Coke with You by Frank O'Hara

yousa81632031: Frank O´Hara reads "Having a coke with you"

Claudacious2: Anybody got any favorite Frank O' Hara poems that they think I should read? I'm new to him and one of my teachers said I should read him.

busdrinker: had a dream i was dating Frank O Hara in the modern day, and i held his face in my hands. i love him. i hope he's doing well in the next life

meksnosense: frank o hara was so right when he wrote "i am the least difficult of men. all i want is boundless love."

chika_jones: I can’t even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there’s a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not totally regret life. - Frank O Hara. I cannot read those lines without joy bursting inside me.

cryingLulu: In times of crisis, we must all decide again and again whom we love - Frank O’ Hara

RebornABastard: whos yalls favorite poet and u cannot say Frank O Hara bc mine is Frank O Hara

wordsthatburn: Frank O' Hara on his reason for writing.

princessekateri: ◽️Billie Holiday ◾️The Way You Look Tonight

Jacki74: My dad died on Friday, I’d like to track down his oldest friend but have no phone no. or address. They kept in touch by my dad just turning up on his doorstep every few years. His name is Frank Maloney, about 72 years old from the Mackets Lane area of Liverpool. Please help? ❤️

wordsthatburn: Which one is your favourite? I've recently been playing around with some poetry and ai. I combined Frank O' Hara with New York and this is what I got. Want to learn more about Frank O' Hara? Listen here:

litcharts: New guide! The Day Lady Died by Frank O'Hara

dykconicpoetics: this is one of my favorite Frank O' Hara poems so happy to see it get some love

zeremiim: Having a Coke with You. Frank O Hara.

storytellersinc: Love to go for a gorgeous walk with a gorgeous dog and a gorgeous podcast (LRB on Frank O Hara & John Ashberry) and then bump into someone who wants to tell me how much they loved my book. Ideal morning tbh.

j0rgewills: (rapidly deteriorating mentally) this frank o hara poem is very good

rilkeism: i love scrolling through my old unsent tweets because . what do you mean i was losing my mind over the goldfinch three months ago. what was my brief but passionate obsession with frank o' hara's poetry. why was i so desperately in love with edmund from shakespeare's king lear

trishanderton: Just came across this lovely and of course sad story about Frank O’ Hara’s death. It’s ironic that the man who hit him was a painter.

lucyharbron: I’m a simple girl. I see a Frank O Hara poetry bot tweet, and I retweet it.

divinityforsale: when frank o’ hara said “it’s a summer day and i want to be wanted more than anything else in the world” felt

LRB: In the latest episode of the LRB podcast, Seamus Perry and Mark Ford discuss Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery, close friends and leading lights of the New York School. Listen here or wherever you get podcasts:

unbelievablee_: never forgiving that guy who said frank o hara’s poetry is for perverts, deleted the tweet and changed it to open relationship people lollllllll

zootedgarf: i forgot to look for frank o hara book in books&books

bristolideas: The NYT likes it: ‘Also a Poet is…a tetrahedron from which all kinds of creative characters pop forth. It’s a big valentine to New York City past and present, and a contribution to literary scholarship, molten with soul.’

pleinairbooks: In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad Ada Calhoun hoped to finish a biography of O’Hara once started by her father, the art critic Peter Schjeldahl. Instead, she wrote a searching memoir about creativity and family.

pleinairbooks: In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad Ada Calhoun hoped to finish a biography of O’Hara once started by her father, the art critic Peter Schjeldahl. Instead, she wrote a searching memoir about creativity and family.

zootedgarf: me want frank o hara poetry book

maiQHuun: ‘oh god it's wonderful to get out of bed and drink too much coffee and smoke too many cigarettes and love you so much’ ~ Frank O Hara

zootedgarf: frank o hara and richard siken bots are usually back-to-back after one another on my feed and i just want everyone to stop and think about how much this pains me on a daily basis

groveatlantic: YES: “ALSO A POET is packaged as a love triangle… It’s actually a tetrahedron from which all kinds of creative characters pop forth. It’s a big valentine to New York City past and present, and a contribution to literary scholarship, molten with soul.”

thinkingenglish: In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad

2000_mondo: In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad

raymondpsimon: "I didn't know you were a Frank O'Hara fan." -- Peter Schjeldahl to his daughter, Ada Calhoun

thinkingenglish: In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad

deonnain: "In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad" by Alexandra Jacobs via NYT

aBookPublicist: In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad

chaos_BOOKNEWS: "In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad" by BY ALEXANDRA JACOBS via NYT

earlduncand: "In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad" by Alexandra Jacobs via NYT

GlutCoop: good read. "In ‘Also a Poet,’ a Search for Frank O’Hara and for Peace With Dad" by Alexandra Jacobs via NYT

jasonmcbride68: "It took the East Village to raise a child." The new Ada Calhoun book, ALSO A POET, sounds like an absolute hoot

eddy_sarah: convinced this is the hot girl read of the summer, if only the durham county library will order it

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Poem of the day

Emily Dickinson Poem
Distrustful of the Gentian
 by Emily Dickinson


Distrustful of the Gentian-
And just to turn away,
The fluttering of her fringes
Child my perfidy-
Weary for my-----
I will singing go-

Read complete poem

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