Faizel Farzee Never Poems

  • 1.
    Remember! the conversation we had? I clearly remember,
    It was raining that night.
    I asked if it was her that you chose, You stuttered
    On your face i saw fright
  • 2.
    Eyes getting lost in the night sky, a silhouette of your heavenly body I clearly envision in the stars,
    Your eyes illuminate like the sun, flowing hair as red as mars.

    A smile that lights the milky way.
  • 3.
    Tortured soul
    He walks this earth alone
    Crying out to be saved
    His heart has turned to stone
  • 4.
    As bullets rains misguided
    Promising futures beheaded for daring to dream of a life bettered
    Mother’s tears streaming down streets laced with innocent blood
    Greed, the artist of a colorful masterpiece captures sorrows and lost love perfectly with widowed tears
  • 5.
    Smiling face, look how I get lost in her sparkling eyes
    crystal glasses toasting, for this journey's we willingly embark on tonight

    I can see her lustful thoughts
  • 6.
    Dark is the Absence of light, laughter the absence of fright
    weakness the absence of might, day the absence of night
    Blindness the absence of sight, grounded the absence of flight

Total 6 Never Poems by Faizel Farzee

Top 10 most used topics by Faizel Farzee

Write 12 Lost 10 Life 9 Soul 9 Never 6 Love 5 Light 5 Dark 5 World 5 I Love You 5

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