Evie Shockley Skin Poems

  • 1.
    He's as high as a georgia pine, my father'd say, half laughing. southern trees
    as measure, metaphor. highways lined with kudzu-covered southern trees.

    fuchsia, lavender, white, light pink, purple : crape myrtle bouquets burst
  • 2.
    i. august 1619

    arrived in a boat, named
    and unnamed, twenty, pirated
  • 3.
    my sister's visit
    to india begins
    it. i asked for a sari,
    but received
  • 4.
    Dear Daughter,
    Can you be fifty-three this
    month? I still look for you to peek around
    my door as if you'd discovered a toy
  • 5.
    resistant, cupped, no, cocked
    in the V of her elbow. i want
    my curves mountainous
Total 5 Skin Poems by Evie Shockley

Top 10 most used topics by Evie Shockley

Good 5 Time 5 Skin 5 Green 4 Life 4 December 4 Mother 4 White 4 Clean 4 Long 4

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Distrustful of the Gentian
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Distrustful of the Gentian-
And just to turn away,
The fluttering of her fringes
Child my perfidy-
Weary for my-----
I will singing go-

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