Bertolt Brecht Never Poems

  • 1.
    I never loved you more, ma soeur
    Than as I walked away from you that evening.
    The forest swallowed me, the blue forest, ma soeur
    The blue forest and above it pale stars in the west.
  • 2.
    From the play 'Mother Courage'

    You saw sagacious Solomon
    You know what came of him,
  • 3.
    It is considered low to talk about food.
    The fact is: they have
    Already eaten.
  • 4.
    Peoples of the world, together
    Join to serve the common cause!
    So it feeds us all for ever
    See to it that it's now yours.
  • 5.

    To the cities I came in a time of disorder
    That was ruled by hunger.
  • 6.
    So there you sit. And how much blood was shed
    That you might sit there. Do such stories bore you?
    Well, don't forget that others sat before you
    who later sat on people. Keep your head!
  • 7.
    I never loved you more, ma soeur
    Than as I walked away from you that evening.
    The forest swallowed me, the blue forest, ma soeur
    The blue forest and above it pale stars in the west.
Total 7 Never Poems by Bertolt Brecht

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People 9 Earth 8 Night 8 Good 8 Great 7 Never 7 Head 6 Young 6 War 6 Morning 5

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