Who is Alfonsina Storni

Alfonsina Storni (22 May 1892 – 25 October 1938) was an Argentine poet and playwright of the modernist period.

Early life

Storni was born on May 29, 1892 in Sala Capriasca, Switzerland. Her parents were Alfonso Storni and Paola Martignoni, who were of Italian-Swiss descent. Before her birth, her father had started a brewery in the city of San Juan, Argentina, producing beer and soda. In 1891, following the advice of a doctor, he returned with his wife to Switzerland, where Alfonsina was born the following year; she lived there until she was four years old. In 1896 the family returned to San Juan, and a few years later, in 1901, moved to Rosario because of economic issues. There her father opened a tavern, where Storni did a variety of chores. That family busines...
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Alfonsina Storni Poems

  • I Am Going To Sleep
    Teeth of flowers, hairnet of dew,
    hands of herbs, you, perfect wet nurse,
    prepare the earthly sheets for me
    and the down quilt of weeded moss. ...
  • Alma Desnuda
    SOY un alma desnuda en estos versos,
    Alma desnuda que angustiada y sola
    Va dejando sus pétalos dispersos.
  • What Would They Say?
    What would the people say, reduced and empty,
    If one fortuitous day, by some extreme fantasy,
    I were to dye my hair silvery and violet, were to wear an old greek gown, exchanging the comb
    for a circlet of flowers: forget-me-nots or jasmines, ...
  • Little Little Man
    Little little man, little little man,
    set free your canary that wants to fly.
    I am that canary, little little man,
    leave me to fly. ...
  • Animal Cansado
    Quiero un amor feroz de garra y diente
    Que me asalte a traición a pleno día
    Y que sofoque esta soberbia mía
    este orgullo de ser todo pudiente. ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Alfonsina Storni

Life 4 Good 3 Sea 3 Face 3 Sky 3 Chest 2 Never 2 Dark 2 Touch 2 Night 2

Alfonsina Storni Quotes

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Comments about Alfonsina Storni

Cutmilyp: i wanna go to the beach but in a alfonsina storni kinda way
Profealfaro: spanish with profe - reading a poem by alfonsina storni-argentinian writ...
Santtuary: you're not the alfonsina storni you think you are
Wiredap: he wants to be alfonsina storni so bad
Aceraphale: yo viendo el mar: wow this is so alfonsina storni coded
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Emily Dickinson Poem
Distrustful of the Gentian
 by Emily Dickinson


Distrustful of the Gentian-
And just to turn away,
The fluttering of her fringes
Child my perfidy-
Weary for my-----
I will singing go-

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