There is a song that causes our heartbeat to skip a beat and our psychic minds pivot.
This song has a unique peculiarity.
This trait or element makes it the most powerful song of all time.
It is a song you cannot write but you can sing.
You cannot understand but you have fallen in love with it.

This song you don't even know the title but you know the composer.
The song only existed in your imagination but hopes it becomes a reality.
It's been sung by many yet unknown by many.
The song echoes in your heart every day and keeps you afloat but can't find its essence on your own.
The song that makes no meaning when sung alone.
Because this song is a duet.

The song has already been written, composed, and mastered.
Now waiting for a partner to duet and make meaning out of its lyrics.
Its lyrics are delightful, formidable, and have healing power, it binds, and it empowers.
Its mood is your shadow and it flows through to your core.
It is a therapy for the soul.
That song is called Love!