What Ifs

What if oneday we'll go and travel together
And believe that you are my forever?

What if you are my true happiness,
And our love is endless?

What if someday you will look back and see that your love is not really for me?

What if you look from the skies above
and realize that I am not the girl that you want to be deeply in love?

What if I am never good enough for you
And you'll start to look for someone new?

What if you'll leave me for another
And forget all our plans for this summer?

What if you'll break all your promises and tear my heart in two
And you'll say, "sorry but I don't think I can do this with you."

What if you are not sincere?

Some say your love for me won't persevere
But you saying, "Yes, I'm truly sincere"
Is what I desperately want to hear

So Phia
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 08/19/2020

Poet's note: The guy that I've used to like made me wrote this, my mind that time was full of thoughts of "whats ifs" and so I've came up with this!
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