Journey Is Free

Fly with me.
Don't be my shadow,
Don't be my companion too!
Don't name this relation.
Just fly with me until our journey ends.
But don't forget I'll take care of you,
And you have to take care of mine.
Inaugurated in this life.
Parallel to some and rainbow to many.
But don't name this relation.
Let us be free, let us fly far away.
And when the time comes;
You go your way
And I'll go to mine.
As I have learned to set everyone free,
even to you,
oh, beloved even to you!

Paran Doley
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 09/01/2020

Poet's note: What I meant is that in life we don't have to be dependent on others. We have our own goals and dreams and so do they the same. But what if we tell them that Come and join me in my dream will fly together and together we will achieve our goal. Even if I knew that they have some other things in life to prosper as well. And I'm not letting them do theirs because I love them, I want them to be with me because I'm a weak person and with them, I will feel complete and confident. That wouldn't go like this because life is to create, feel and then prosper.
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