Once In A Life Time

Love once lived happy ,
Emotion blended well together.
Smiles everywhere .

The joyful sound of children's laugh in the park,
It used to brighten up the world .
We are like caged animals,no ability to move nor anything ,
Life has changed for the worst .
We are in PRISON !
With maximum security,wardens roaming around .
No sense of happiness .
People are dying like insects ,
Buried like trash.
Just because of one common enemy.

There lived freedom of everything ,
Now its back to square one?
Yet in a different kind of age,
Just waking up seems like a blessing .
Not being a victim is luck ,
Not many didn't get the chance to even say goodbye .
NOW we sing ashes to ashes,dust to dust .
Lovers,sisters,wifes have now been hanged in the name of love.
Children are orpans,
Husbands are widowers.
Families have lost members .

Not even jail is able to nurse their spirits,
It seems like home to most of them.
All in the name of love.

Hlengiwe Mnculwane
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 09/06/2020

Poet's note: This poem is about the femicide that's happening in this world. It talks about how they die in the name of love. How lucky we are if we are not victims. This poem means a lot to me cause i too lost an aunt to abuse and her perpetrator went to jail but he hanged himself while in jail.
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