Tribute To A Friend!

She was a warrior and
Fought till her last breath
She faced it bravely
And was not scared of death.

She fought and fought
Till she could fight no more
At last, death got the better of her
And she lost all hope

As I write this
Tears wet my face
She was always so positive
Always trying hard to keep pace

Like a candle which burns itself
Taking on more than she could bear
She lit the way for others
When they were in complete despair

She will always be remembered
As a beacon of hope and positivity
To be remembered with deep affection
In times of negativity

She is with us in spirit
And always will be
Her memory will cast its shade on us
Like a huge, leafy tree

I bid you farewell, my dear friend
May you roam in the gardens of Heaven
Smiling down upon us
And your lovely children.

Gaitee Siddiqi
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 09/05/2020

Poet's note: This poem was written in memory of a close friend who died of breast cancer. She fought her disease very bravely and suffered in silence. She was a pure soul and a very fine individual.
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