Masked Youth

He walks through life with a mask on his face
Hiding his pain, his heart in a dark place
He smiles and laughs, but it's just a disguise
Inside he's hurting, and he doesn't know why
The world is heavy on his shoulders
He feels so lost, as if he's growing colder
He tries to keep moving, keep up with the pace
But sometimes he feels like he's in a race
A race against himself, against his thoughts
He's battling demons that he hasn't fought
He wants to reach out, but he doesn't know how
So he keeps it inside, and he screams silently now

He's just a youth, but he feels so old
Like he's carrying a burden that can't be told
He's not alone, but he feels so isolated
Like he's trapped in a world that's complicated
He looks around, and he sees so much pain
In the world around him, in the tears of the rain
He wants to make a difference, but he's just one
He feels so small, like he's already done
But he knows deep down that he has a purpose
Even if he can't see it, even if it's just surface
He keeps on going, with his head held high
Hoping that one day he'll learn how to fly

Fredrick Fondo
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 08/01/2023 The copyright of the poems published here are belong to their poets. is a non-profit poetry portal. All information in here has been published only for educational and informational purposes.