Whispers Of My Essence

In the mirror's gentle gaze, I see,
A reflection, a soul, uniquely me.
A potrait painted with life's vibrant hue,
In every shade of gray and every brilliant blue.
I am the author of my tale, you see,
A collection of moments, a tapestry.
With each step I take, a story unfolds,
In the book of my life, countless pages to be told.
In the mirror's gaze, I find my way,
A reflection of myself, day by day.
A work in progress, ever evolving,
In this grand adventure, I keep resolving.
Emmanuel jmk Ezendu
(pristine writer)
©Copyright reserved

Emmanuel Jachimike Ezendu
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 03/24/2024

Poet's note: this poem talks about how i feel for myself
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