Eclipsed Celestia

Bathed in Luna's ethereal glow, a celestial tale gracefully unfolds,
weaving through the cosmic fabric like a mystic enchantress who holds
the keys to an otherworldly narrative. Her presence, a luminous beacon
in the vast expanse of the midnight sky, orchestrates a symphony of
stardust, an endless lullaby echoing through the astral realms.

Within the cosmic dance, she dreams awake, each reverie a serenade
of verses that shimmer like stars in the depths of her heartache. A poet's
pen, delicately dipped in the alchemy of silvered ink, becomes the conduit
for her creation, blooming and unfurling like a celestial garden,
intricately linked to the cosmic pulse.

A celestial spirit, she mirrors the moon's reflective glow, her verses akin
to constellations that map the celestial canvas. In the intricate dance
of each stanza, galaxies unfurl, painting a poetic sonnet across the cosmic
tapestry—a swirling masterpiece that captures the essence of the universe's

Through the tender embrace of night and the gentle kiss of daylight,
she meticulously weaves the cosmos into a tapestry of poetic bliss.
Her words, a serenade that transcends earthly confines, casting a lunar
trance upon those who dare to immerse themselves in her astral dance.

Awards, like distant stars, may gleam on the horizon, yet in the sanctity
of her pen, they find their truest significance. For in the cosmic essence of her
name, a universe of poetry unfolds—an eternal flame that illuminates the
boundless depths of inspiration and imagination. Thus, in the celestial ballet
of creation, she remains the undying spark, casting her light upon the vastness
of the poetic cosmos.

Chinenye Okoene
(C) All Rights Reserved. Poem Submitted on 11/23/2023

Poet's note: A celestial tapestry unfolds, crafted in homage to the name Cynthia. This poem, not tethered to a specific moment or individual, transcends personal confines. It speaks of cosmic beauty, creative transcendence, and a universal resonance. The verses aim to evoke feelings of ethereal wonder, weaving a narrative that dances between the individual and the cosmic. This poem holds personal significance as a reflection of boundless inspiration drawn from the name Cynthia.
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