
Broken Axletree

Henry Lawson

On the Track of Grand Endeavour, on the long track out to Bourke,
Past the Turn-Back, and past Howlong, and the pub at Sudden Jerk,
Past old Bullock-Yoke and Bog Flat, and the -Pinch� at Stick-to-me,
Lies the camp that we have christened-christened -Broken Axletree.�
We were young and strong and fearless, we had not seen Mount Despair,
And the West was to be conquered, and we meant to do our share;
We were far away from cities, and were fairly off the spree
When we camped at Cart Wheel River with a broken axletree.

Oh, the pub at Devil-s Crossing! and the woman that he sent!
And the hell for which we bartered horse and trap and -traps� and tent!
And the black -Since Then�-the chances that we never more may see-
Ah! the two lives that were ruined for a broken axletree!

-Fate� is but a Cart Wheel River, placed to test us by the Lord,
And the Star of Live Forever shines beyond At Blacksmith-s Ford!
Shun all fatalists and -isms�-heed no talk of -destiny�!
Ride a race for life to Blacksmith-s with your broken axletree.

(C) Henry Lawson

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