
Weed Or Flower

Helen Leah Reed

"'Tis but a common thing," one coldly said,
"Nay, call it not a flower - this little weed,
If plucking it, I kill it, root and seed -
Better the world were if it lay there dead."

"Ah - rather let it live!" a second cried,
"Weed it may be, and yet it has its use,
Here in its healing essence its excuse
For blooming lies, and here its only pride."

"Destroy it not!" another pled, "Behold
This tapering leaf - this soft and tender green,
Upon my canvas it shall bloom serene -
This tiny chalice-fleck of living gold."

Then one bent over it, "Ah, flowret bright!
For only flowers in this garden grow, -
His earth, His sunshine made thee, o'er thee blow
His winds, frail thing! In thee He shows His might."

(C) Helen Leah Reed

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