
Dont Come For Me

Eliah Leon

I would write myself to sleep if it wasn't for the kindness of strangers
All I ever wanted was to break my own hands writing
I want to see stars through my words
I want to create worlds by cradling a story
There are so many people inside my head, waiting for release
They want to feel alive
They want to go skiing in the middle of January in the Swiss Alps,
They want to walk in a nightclub and dance till the sun comes out
They want to fish for snakes and never return what they prize the most,
They want to swim in an ocean with the sun and the moon,
Hold hearts hostage, drink from red lips and feast inside the forest
I wrote my desire on your skin because I wanted to feel your chest rise against mine
The trees heard you cry my names
The Gods saw your blushing cheeks reflected in my iris
I felt my lungs expand
No longer does Hercules nor Atlas need to fight over their burdens
I will hold the sky over our heads darling
Let me take you there.

(C) Eliah Leon

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