
Any Other Time

Banjo Paterson

ALL of us play our very best game-
Any other time.
Golf or billiards, it-s all the same-
Any other time.
Lose a match and you always say,
-Just my luck! I was -off- to-day!
I could have beaten him quite half-way-
Any other time!�

After a fiver you ought to go-
Any other time.
Every man that you ask says -Oh,
Any other time.
Lend you a fiver! I-d lend you two,
But I-m overdrawn and my bills are due,
Wish you-d ask me-now, mind you do-
Any other time!�

Fellows will ask you out to dine-
Any other time.
-Not to-night, for we-re twenty-nine -
Any other time.
Not to-morrow, for cook-s on strike,
Not next day, I-ll be out on the bike -
Just drop in whenever you like -
Any other time!�

Seasick passengers like the sea-
Any other time.
-Something . . I ate . . disagreed . . with me!
Any other time
Ocean-trav-lling is . . simply bliss,
Must be my . . liver . . has gone amiss . .
Why, I would . . laugh . . at a sea . . like this-
Any other time.�

Most of us mean to be better men-
Any other time:
Regular upright characters then-
Any other time.
Yet somehow as the years go by
Still we gamble and drink and lie,
When it comes to the last we-ll want to die-
Any other time!

(C) Banjo Paterson

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