
Why We Oppose Schools For Children

Alice Duer Miller

(By the Children's Anti-School League.)

1. Because education is a burden, not a right.

2. Because not one-tenth of one per cent. of the children of this
country have demanded education.

3. Because if we are educated we should have to behave as if we were and
we don't want to.

4. Because it is essentially against the nature of a child to be

5. Because we can't see that it has done so much for grown-ups, and
there is no reason for thinking it will make children perfect.

6. Because the time of children is already sufficiently occupied without
going to school.

7. Because it would make dissension between parent and child. Imagine
the home life of a parent who turned out to be more ignorant than his
(or her) child?

8. Because we believe in the indirect education of the theatre, the
baseball field and the moving picture. We believe that schools would in
a great measure deprive us of this.

9. Because our parents went to school. They love us, they take care of
us, they tell us what to do. We are content that they should be educated
for us.

(C) Alice Duer Miller

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