
O Little Bees

Adebayo Sir Toby

O little bees!
Let all the buzzes give peace,
Ever-buzzing, Ever-buzy bees;
Keep mute, Every hums be at ease,
Where have you all Zoomed,
To see if the flowers' buds have bloomed?

O little bees!
Let all buzzes give peace,
Ever-buzzing, Ever-buzy bees;
Watch your sting and mind the grease,
Are all your tasks ne'er done,
Then fetch in vine groves, three or one

O little bees!
Let all the buzzes give peace,
Ever-buzzing, Ever-buzy bees;
why so hasty as rough western breeze,
Upon dreary travails and moils unpaid,
Which men requites you with sudden raid

O little bees!
Let all the buzzes give peace,
Ever-buzzing, Ever-buzy bees,
Poor bees! As Poor poets like I will accuse;
Too strong to toil, Too weak to eat,
If your nectars ripes honey, Men do plunders it.

(C) Adebayo Sir Toby

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